Abbi Team to Nevada: We Stand With You

Evynn Mcfalls

October 09, 2017

There are few—if any—words to accurately describe the horror and tragedy the people of Nevada experienced on Sunday, October 1st. Each life is precious, and for so many to be cut short or significantly altered by a senseless act of violence is one of life’s incalculable darknesses.

It cannot be overstated: that Sunday may stand as one of the most heart-wrenching days in Nevada history.

Despite that incredible tragedy, Nevadans have continued to stand strong. We Nevadans have linked our arms and lifted one another up, declaring boldly to the world that we are a family whose connection and compassion transcends even the deepest divisions. Whether it’s giving blood, donating money or time, or expressing solidarity with those directly affected, Nevadans have stood together in this moment to share in our collective love and strength.

That said, the road to healing is a long one. For many, this tragedy will have an everlasting impact. That is why it is so important for us to marshal the strength, compassion and community for which Nevada is known in order to support our Nevada family. Here are just four ways you can help:



It is an unfortunate reality that there will be no shortage of expenses awaiting those victimized during this incident. We believe that nobody should have to face such hardship after dealing with a tragedy as profound as this. That’s why Las Vegas County Commission Chair Steve Sisolak has started a fundraiser to offer relief for those affected. You can learn more about the specifics of the fund and donate yourself by clicking here.

If you would like to make a non-monetary donation, please consider making a gift of non-perishables, bottled water or other material goods to Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada or or Three Square.


People from all around the state, country and world have come together to donate blood for those in need of it. While, at this time, lines are dense and it can be difficult to get an appointment, it is more than worth the time it takes for you to make a donation of blood as there will continue to be a need on an ongoing basis. You can learn more about Las Vegas’s blood donation needs and donation requirements by clicking here.


Nevada Love

If you would like to publicly display your solidarity with the victims of this tragedy while at the same time making a monetary donation, you can purchase a Nevada Love sticker or piece of apparel. The shirt’s illustration was developed by Nevada designer Connor Goicoechea, who is the mind behind the NOCTVRNE brand and The Abbi Agency’s own lead designer. All proceeds generated from purchase of these items will be donated directly to the official Las Vegas Victim’s Fund. Find stickers here and apparel here.

ATTENTION LOCAL MAKERS AND DESIGNERS: If you would like to donate the proceeds from your work to the Las Vegas Victim’s Fund, please contact us and we will be happy to add your work here.


While lots of people need help at this time, and while we should all feel motivated to give our best in moments such as these, it is critically important that each of us practice self-compassion while we give our love, strength and contribution to others. Please make sure to check in with yourself, to work with friends or professionals to address whatever grief, confusion or anger you may be feeling, and do not push yourself further than it is healthy for you to go. We can best help others when we ourselves are feeling balanced. Try to maintain balance, focus on healing yourself and others, and remember, there’s a whole community in this state willing to lend a helping hand.


It’s hard to imagine that anything could have prepared us for such a difficult time in our community—but while we face challenges in the days ahead, the fact that we can do it together makes things that much easier. Now is a time for choosing—and we hope that you will join us in choosing to uplift, stand by, and love our Nevada family.



Team Abbi
